

Circular Activity: Circular Use Model

Headquarters: Germany

Grover is a fresh alternative to the traditional product ownership model for consumers, providing a highly flexible monthly subscription service for everyday devices such as laptops, smart phones, tablets and digital cameras.Interacting with technology in this way stretches the life cycle of the products and empowers people by giving access to many new experiences and products without having to pay full retail prices or commit to long-term financing.

Grover provides a sophisticated solution to the increasing number of consumers who value access over ownership.Grover promotes circular collaborative consumption, replacing the highly wasteful linear (take-make-dispose) product ownership approach. Grover’s model stretches the life-cycle of a product by re-using, repairing and redistributing.

Grover is redefining the way consumers relate to products by promoting alternatives to buying and owning such as subscribing or renting, which maximises usage and minimises waste. The product that you return today will be used by someone tomorrow. In addition to its direct-to-consumer model, Grover also enables large retailers and OEMs to adapt their business model to the circular economy.

Existing integrations with some of Europe's largest consumer-electronics retailers, such as MediaMarkt, Saturn, Gravis, Conrad and Tchibo, gives them the ability to offer their customers a rental option, both online and offline, and facilitate the transition to sustainable consumption models through cooperation with Grover.